Contact us

Call our 24/7 automated payment line to make a payment with your credit or debit card over the phone 0330 088 3786.  

Use MyCKH to check your latest balance and recent payments, report a repair, update your contact details and more.


To speak to someone about your payments, contact us on Live Chat  - just click on the 'chat live' tab at the edge of your screen. You can also call 01733 385000 (option 3) or email with your name, address and contact details and we will give you a call back. The team are here for you from 8am until 6pm on Mondays and Thursdays and 8am until 5pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 


Our contractors, Mears, are operating a full repairs service. We expect our phone lines will be very busy over the coming weeks and ask you report non-urgent repairs online or by using live chat - just click on the 'chat live tab at the edge of your screen. The team are available 9am until 5pm, Monday - Friday. You can report emergency repairs at any time on: 01733 385030.


Customer services 

CKH Customer Central on Bridge Street in Peterborough is open from 8.30am until 5.30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 8.30am until 6pm on Thursday, and 8.30am until 1pm on Saturday. 

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Talk to us on Live Chat - just click on the 'chat live' tab at the edge of your screen or call 01733 385000. The Customer First team are here for you Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm

Our head office is no longer open to the public, but we're here to answer your queries over the phone, by email or over live chat. 

Your feedback

We will contact you from time to time to ask how well we are doing. An independent company, called Pexel, carry out satisfaction surveys on our behalf four times a year. Pexel will contact you directly via email, text or over the phone. There are about 20 questions and we would really love to hear your thoughts. We may also send you a text or email after you receive a service from us, for example, if you have recently moved in. These surveys only include a few short questions and take a couple of minutes to complete.

The feedback you share helps us to make sure the standards of all our services stay high and identify areas we could do better. If you do not want to be contacted to share your feedback, please email our Customer First team.

Did we get it wrong? 

We always aim to get it right first time, but occasionally things can go wrong. When that happens we will do everything we can to put it right. We will try to get to the bottom of the issue and get back to you with a satisfactory outcome as quickly as possible.

When something goes wrong, the best way to contact us is to email us at

If we can’t resolve your query straight away we aim to give you a specific response within two working days. If your query is more complex, we will let you know when you can expect a full response.

If we have not delivered the service you expect of us, please let us know. 

Share your feedback

Take a look at our Complaints Policy. We undertook a self-assessment of our complaints process in line with best practice guidance from the Housing Ombudsman which was approved by our Board.