Residents Report 2023-24
A round up of how we performed last year with commentary from the Chair and Vice Chair of our Residents Board.
We've broken our report down into five important topics, click on each one to find out more about how we did.
This report is here to help you understand how CKH is performing as your landlord, what was achieved last year, and how they plan to improve services going forward.
The Residents performance dashboard, which was developed in partnership with Involved Residents, holds all the key performance information that we said was important and all residents should be able to assess regularly throughout the year. CKH update this dashboard four times a year to let you know how they are performing against their targets.
In this report, CKH use three grades to help show how they are doing. ‘Where we need to be’ means meeting or beating target, ‘nearly there’ means they are not quite there but very close to meeting target, and ‘need to improve’ means they have not met the target and have more work to do. CKH set targets against the top performance of those housing associations which are members of PlaceShapers (a group of more than 100 housing associations). So, the ratings let you know how CKH compares to other similar providers too.
This year, CKH is also sharing the results of their first Tenant Satisfaction Measures (which are a group of satisfaction questions and performance figures set by the government). Some of these will be familiar to you as they are already included in the Residents Performance Dashboard, but some are new and based on satisfaction scores given by residents during the year. You will find these scores in the sections called ‘how you scored us’ throughout the report. As this is the first year of Tenant Satisfaction Measures, there is no information to compare CKH to other housing associations yet. As Involved Residents, we will be using these scores to help us decide what topics to take a closer look at in the year ahead to give CKH our feedback on how to improve.
Karen and Terri
Chair and Vice Chair of the Residents Board
We put our residents first in everything we do.
Take a look at how we prioritised the people who live in our homes last year.
Your views shape our services.
Read about how resident feedback helped us improve in 2023-24.
We invest in taking care of our homes, so our residents can feel safe and proud of the home they live in.
Find out how our repairs service performed as well as how we did on all the important health and safety areas.
We make sure our services are well run and provide good value for money.
See how we spent every pound.
We build new homes in the areas that need them most and work in partnership to provide essential support services to the people who make our communties come alive.
Find out how many people we supported in 2023-24.