LifeLine Annual Report 2023-24

Our LifeLine service goes from strength to strength, providing the cornerstone for our growing support service for older people. Our LifeLine is provided in all our retirement and extra care housing provision, as well as in people’s homes across the Peterborough area, and continues to give people peace of mind that help is just the touch of a button away.

This year we have successfully transitioned our Lifeline service to be fully digital in anticipation of the UK Digital Upgrade. All new equipment is fully digital and we are continuing to work with our current service users to exchange their equipment for the new, digital, LifeLine. For those who have not yet transferred, the old system will continue to be monitored as normal until June 2025, giving ample time to switch to the digital system. If you would like to talk to us about switching from your old analogue system to the new digital one, please call us on 01733 235085.

Our care, LifeLine, retirement housing and extra care housing teams all work closely together to provide a seamless, integrated service to offer our customers the perfect level of support to suit their needs at any time in their life. Our flexible service also changes as those needs change, to ensure customers receive the support, dignity and independence they desire and deserve.

You can find out more about our range of support options vist our independent living pages


Here’s how we performed over the past year

Customer satisfaction:

We received 400 responses to the annual satisfaction survey. The results showed that:

  • 99.76% of customers are satisfied with the quality of the service they received from LifeLine.
  • 99.75% of customers are satisfied with the speed of response to their calls.
  • 100% find our LifeLine team helpful.
  • 99.74% feel that their LifeLine represents good value for money.
  • 100% would recommend LifeLine to someone else.

We received no complaints about our service.

During the year we received 53 compliments.

Thank you to all our customers who took the time to complete our survey or contacted us with feedback. It’s your feedback that allows us to tailor our LifeLine service to meet your needs. Here’s what some of our customers said:

“Thank you to the kind and friendly LifeLine Advisor for getting help with the ambulance service when I was suffering with chest pains. Everything is ok and I am grateful for the LifeLine service and everything the team do.” Mr O.

“Very grateful and thanked the team for arranging emergency help for her Aunt following a no response activation.”  The niece of Mrs K informed that her Aunt was being burgled at the time and pressed her button for help.

“Your service is excellent, thank you for getting help when my Mum fell and hurt her hip, currently in hospital and on the mend.” Daughter of Mrs C.

“I am very grateful for the help I received last night when I was experiencing chest pain and difficulty breathing. The gentleman I spoke to was ever so nice with getting the help and calling me back every half hour to check I was ok.” CKH Retirement Housing resident Mrs P.

Following her discharge from hospital, Mrs C called “To say thank you for getting her help so quickly when she had abdominal pain, she is now well and back home.”



  • 100% of 31 critical repairs to LifeLine equipment were completed within 48 hours.
  • 100% of 372 non-critical repairs to LifeLine equipment were completed within 11 days.


Call volume and response times:

  • 4,550 LifeLine connections are currently monitored by our Control Centre.
  • A total of 197,584   calls came through the Control Centre in the year.
  • 16,465 calls per month on average.

Our call response times over the year have exceeded our targets again. 

  • 98.54% (target 97.5%) of calls were answered within 60 seconds.
  • 99.82% (target 99%) of calls were answered within 180 seconds.

During the year we called an ambulance to service users 2,850 times, the fire service 821 times and the police 42 times.



  • 100% of 114 non-urgent installations were completed within 15 working days.
  • 100% of 5 urgent installations were completed within two days.