Repairs handbook

Register for MyCKH and report non-emergency repairs online. We willl ask you to share a photo of the issue to help us get it right first time. 

Call 01733 385030 24 hours a day, seven days a week to report an emergency repair or change an existing appointment.

Before you contact us, it's a good idea to check what you are responsible for maintaining in your home. You will not be able to report repairs which are your responsibility according to your tenancy agreement.

Our repairs handbook FAQs should help you understand what you are responsible for, what to expect from us, and how to look after your home. 

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Gas - what should I do if I smell gas?

If you smell gas:

1. Turn off your gas supply. The main gas on/off handle that supplies the gas to your home is usually next to your gas meter

2. Open any windows and doors to let the gas disperse

3. Do not light matches, lighters or cigarettes

4. Do not turn on lights or sockets, or use any electrical equipment including mobile phones

5. Call Cadent on 0800 111 999

6. Alert your neighbours (especially if you are living in a block of flats).

  1. Looking after your home