Help improve your local area | Latest news and updates

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Help improve your local area

Image shows two people walking down a road with homes to their right.

We are looking for people who want to make a real difference in their communities. We need people to come forward with areas that need improvement and the ways these areas could be changed to best suit the needs of the people who live there. This could be through community action or improving the area

Our Area Panel, made up of residents just like you, is waiting to hear from you, about areas in your neighbourhood that need improving. From small areas of ground that need a tidy up, to improved lighting, fencing or areas that a prone to fly-tipping, we need your -views about any problem areas near you.

Our Neighbourhood Managers and The Area Panel will then work with you and your community to put your ideas into action. Together we can improve your neighbourhood and bring together your community, for everyone.

To find out more and report an area for your Area Panel to look at, log into MyCKH and  click on the ‘improve your neighbourhood’ link.